Угольная промышленность

Kuzbass Coal Industry

On 9 September 2016, participants in the children ' s self-reliance groups of the Central Palace of Culture visited the museum and exhibition centre of the city of Belovo, where the gifts of the Governor of the Kemero region of Aman Gumirovich Tuleev, “Love for Kuzbass!" were presented.
The exhibit consists of several sections: “Kuzbass – Area of Success”, “Commodities and Industry of Kuzbas”, “Nedra Kuzbass – minerals" , " Kouzbas coal industry " , " Livotage and decorative arts " .
All the Gubernator's exponents donated to the museum. Thanks to this wonderful collection, the guys have been able to learn more about the history of development, our industry, its culture and traditions.
The guys have been looking at the exhibit with great interest, and it's gonna be a long time to discuss it!

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