Rossy Minerals Map
Mineral resources - a combination of mineral geological stocks in the subsoils of the region, countries, continent, world as a whole, calculated for existing mineral conditions, taking into account scientific and technological progress (developing, enrichment efficiency, etc.).
Minerals - These are the minerals of the Earth ' s crust, whose chemical composition and physical properties allow them to be used in the household. The accumulation of minerals, by number, quality and conditions of amenable to use, is referred to as deposits, and their complete distribution in large areas forms a pool.
The deployment of minerals throughout the country is due to the geological characteristics of individual areas. In turn, geological construction depends on tectonic (i.e., terrestrial crust) processes that develop in different geological ages.
The country ' s territory was formed from platforms and warehouse belts. Platforms are the most sustainable areas of the litosphere. Fundament (lower platform core) forms highly fluctuated metamorphic species. On the foundation, there is a siege of horizontally surrounding species. Depending on the timing of the foundation, the platform is divided into ancient (Eastern European, Siberia) and young (West-Sibir). The three platforms, expressed in the plains, occupy the majority of Russia ' s territory. In a number of places, the platforms come to the surface. These areas are called shields. The Eastern European Platform has the Baltic and Ukrainian Shita, and the Siberia are Aldan and Anabarsky.
Layout belts originating in the most mobile areas of the earth ' s crust are depreciated metamorphic rocks. Warehouses may be insulated by the bottom (synclinal) or top (anticlinal).
- magmatics - created by the cold and crystallization of the magma at some depth or on the surface;
- sediment - by landing and ocean floor debris from different species and residues of organisms;
- Metamorphic - Modified under high temperatures, high pressure, solvents and gases;
- Metasomatics - emerging from the replacement of some minerals by others with a significant change in their chemical composition.