Russian oil industry’s modern status
The article reviews the performance of the Russian oil and gas industry in 2012. The role of Russia in the world oil system is analysed. The main indicators of Russia ' s refinery industry are being considered. The structure and dynamics of oil and petroleum exports are under way.
There are examined functioning results of Russian oil ' gas industry in 2012. There are examined main indices characterizing work of Russian oil refinery industry.
In 2012, Russia 's oil production was 4 million tons higher than its planned levels of more than 518 million tons, rising by 7 million tons from 2011. In addition, primary oil processing increased by 10 million tons to 266 million tons, while the share of oil processing in the mining sector increased from 50.1 per cent to 51.3 per cent. Russian oil exports continued to decline, reaching 239, 6 million tons in 2012.
Technology performance of the oil industry
Currently, in Russia, the structure of oil production by way of operation of wells is dominated by pumping, which has increased to 93 per cent over the past few years. At the same time, with the low rate of development of new deposits and the deterioration of the conditions for the extraction of long-term oil, the proportion of boreholes is declining. Thus, in the last 17 years, its share has declined from 9 per cent to 5.8 per cent (table 1).
Tab. 1. Specific technical and economic performance of the Russian oil industry in 1995 - 2012
With the active use of intensification techniques in recent years and the introduction of new major deposits (Vankoro et al.), the average daily debit of one product well has been maintained at 10 tons.
Owing to the extensive exploitation of deposits in the East of Russia, there has been an increase in the volume of drilling of wells. For example, in 2011 and 2012, 18 million metres and 19.8 million m were spent, respectively, compared with 14 million metres earlier. At the same time, exploration drilling continues to be fairly low. For example, in 2012, exploration drilling was below the 1990s and early 2000s.
Among Russian companies, Surgenteneftegas (0, 22 million m) and LUCOYL (0, 18 million m) have the largest exploration drilling activity (4, 69 million m and 3, 4 million m respectively). ♪
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