1) Технический проект

Mineral Resource Development Project

" The subdivisions of local importance prior to approval by the user of the non-dre shall be subject to consultation with the competent State authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereafter the authorized body).

"8.1. The Authorized Authority coordinates documentation on subdistricts of local importance for the following types of use:

(a) Geological study, including the search for and assessment of the deposits of generalized minerals, as well as geological examination and assessment of the suitability of subsoil sites for the construction and operation of underground structures of local and regional non-financial minerals;

(b) Exploration for and extraction of general minerals;

(c) Geological study, exploration and mining of commonly distributed minerals carried out under a reciprocal licence;

(g) The construction and operation of underground structures of local and regional non-mining significance. "

9.1. The Authorized Authority coordinates the documentation on subdistricts of local importance with respect to Generally distributed useful " Fossil Energy Development Project " , a technical project for mineral deposit development, a technical project for the elimination or conservation of mining, and a technology scheme for the primary processing of general minerals. "

(a) After the words " project documents " , add the words " , with the exception of documentation on the subdistricts of local importance, "

"A decision to harmonize documentation on the subdistricts of local significance shall be signed by the head of the designated authority or by the person who replaces it."

The preparation, harmonization and approval of mineral development projects and other project documentation for non-drug activities, minerals and subsoil uses has been adjusted.

As in the past, prior to approval, the project documentation should be aligned with the commission established by Rosnedra or the territorial authority of the Agency. However, this is no longer the case for materials on subdistricts of local importance. It is consistent with the competent authority of the respective region.

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