Mining In Crimea
The minerals in Crimea are almost everything, but in small quantities, they say Anatoly Passinkov, a geological candidate. " The Messages in Crimea are many, but the majority of them have no industrial significance - the reserves are too small " , agrees with Ludmil Kirichenko ' s co-worker of geology. Although hundreds of years ago the main wealth of Crimea was not considered climate, landscapes or fruit, but minerals...
Crimean soap
During the time of the Crimean Khan, one of the main export items (slaves and fruits) was fat and soap bentonite clay, all the wealthy people of the vast 30-million Osman empire used it instead of soap and shampoo.
Glina was produced in an open way, in the pits. One of the mining sites was Sapun-Gora (Multi Mountain) in the current Sevastopol.
In the Crimea Kil was used not only for washing, but also for the degreasing of sheep, laundry. Glina was lighted by wine and fruit juices and cleaned the water. By the end of the nineteenth century, the demand for keel had declined, and at the beginning of the twentieth century production had risen again - in the years of collapse the kilo had replaced expensive and scarce soap and tooth powder. Industrial development of unique raw materials began in 1931 on two Kurtsov deposits in the Simferopal region and the Kudrinsk region in the Bahcurai region. From the clay, mixing it with the soda, made the first laundry powder in the USSR with the unthinkable name of Stir Por. The Cudrine Glina was considered the best in the USSR. It was used even for curative purposes, with the dramatic expansion of veins, arthritis and radicals. At the sunset of the Soviet Union, the production of the clays was considered unprofitable and is now being discontinued.
In the Crimea, a small amount of oil was recovered in the 1970s by the nineteenth hec. The most prominent place was in that poru in the Kerchen Peninsula and operated by private entrepreneurs. Details were only studied after the revolution, and serious intelligence and exploitation began after the Great Patriotic War.
"The elevator's a little over there, it's going down to the surface near the dirty volcanoes. And before the revolution, and now the people collect it and use it for their needs. For free, he tells Anatoly Pasinkov. Until recently, the oil field was developed in Tarhankot. The joint venture between Crimealogne and Twhasznafta was carrying about one oil tank per month.