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Manufacturing Of General Minerals For Their Own Needs

Under civil law, the owner is entitled to own, use and dispose of his property. These are the three powers vested in each owner.
The SCF confers on the owner the right, at his discretion, to take any action against his or her property that is not contrary to the law and other legal acts and that does not violate the rights and interests of others protected by law. Among them, the owner is entitled to take possession of his property to other persons, to transfer to them, by remaining owner, the right to own, use and dispose of property, to deposit and to encumber it otherwise.
The rights of landowners to deal with their properties are regulated by civil law, taking into account the characteristics established by land law. Article 40 of the RIF contains an open list of the rights of landowners:
(1) The landowner has the right to use, as appropriate, for his own needs, common minerals, freshwater groundwaters, as well as ponds, as available in the land area under Russian Federation law.
According to the Federal Nedra Act, there is no provision for private property. That's why it's necessary to distinguish between the notions of the subsoil and the "food minerals." If the subsoils and their areas are owned exclusively by the State (art. 1.2 of the Nedras Act), the commonly distributed minerals may be owned by citizens and legal persons who own land. Landowners have the right, in accordance with article 19 of the Nedra Act, at their discretion in the land boundary, to carry out, without the use of explosives, the extraction of non-stated general minerals to a depth of up to five metres.
Use of subsoil by legal persons and citizens at the borders of their land for mining Spatial Minerals The laws and other legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are established (art. 18 of the Nedra Act).
Landowners can use landowners only for their needs, such as construction. In case. ♪ ♪
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