Khabarov Mining Area
The Khabarovsk province is one of the largest constituent entities of the Russian Far East. The territory of the province extends from south to north 1,800 km, from west to east to 125,750 km.
The distance between the centre and Moscow on the railway is 8,533 km and the air is 6,075 km.
The province is 4.6 per cent of Russia ' s territory, or 787,600 square kilometres.
The northern point of the province is only 430 kilometres from the polar circle, and the south is on the parallel north of Hokkaido Island, the United States city of Portland and a little south of Rostova na Don.
Kraj is bordered by the Kazakewicev (Amursk) protein with China, the nearest neighbours in the Russian territory - Primorsky Province, EAO, Amursk, Mahada province, Republic of Saha (Yakutia).
From the East, the province is mired by the Hot Seas and the Japanese Seas, and the Sakhalin is separated by the Straits of Tatar and Nevel. The coastline reached 2,500 km. In addition to the main, continental part, the province comprises several islands, the largest among which are the Chantars.
There are 360 gold deposits in the territory of the province, of which 24 are either ore, accounting for 71 per cent of all the stocks distributed. 60 deposits of 197 per cent are being developed. 3-10 years old and 3-4 year olds. The production of the platinum consists of the spraying of the mouth. Conder, stockpile security, 5-6 years.
Eighteen mining enterprises are involved in the extraction of precious and non-ferrous metals, of which 16 are producing precious metals, gold and platinum. Mining accounts for 13.8 per cent of gold production in the DV region and 7.1 per cent of the Russian total. In gold mining, the country is the seventh largest in the Russian Federation and the second largest in the production of the platinum.