Mineral Mining
Scientific work on the " Combinated Mining Method " . Scientific article on the profession of "George."
(Signed) V. V. Zavornikyn, V. R. Asadullaev
DC 622.271:622.272
B. V. Zavornikin, V. R. Asadullaev
It has been shown that the main purpose of the combined development method is to increase the efficiency of both open and underground work through the sharing of their enabling technological features. The link of the hindrance of the career has been identified with the efficiency of the deposit, both economic and environmental. It has been shown that such technology has dramatically reduced the present costs of mining, reduced the damage caused by mining and increased the intensity of mining.
Keywords: unavailable technology, combined method, burial development, development method.
Seminar 13
Domestic and foreign mining practices are increasingly being applied to the combined development of mineral deposits, which includes the combined (one-time or consecutive) operation of open and underground mining on one deposit and which ensures the fuller extraction and protection of non-wood at a lower cost of mineral mining and the reduction of harmful effects on the natural environment. The main objective of the combined development method is to improve the efficiency of both open and underground work by sharing their technologically supportive features.
The effectiveness of open-source development depends directly on the amount of the autopsy in the career. The volumes of the exposed species, in turn, are determined by the angles of the outboards of the career. Depending on
The depth of development, the influence of the hip angle on the volumes of the mountain mass in its contour has geometric progress. Thus, there is a direct link between the side of the career and the efficiency of the deposit, both economic and environmental. Taking into account all the above, the objective can be formulated as follows. Create pre-constructed open-air deposit conditions using the advantages of underground technology.
The task itself is based on mining conditions development of open deposits in a way that is fixed and unchangeable.
Foreign practice (Japan, Canada, USA) has known cases of such technology in the development of valuables. ♪ ♪